Alright - well how about that title? I know most people think when they hook the ball, my club face was too closed, or shut. Well that could be the case... But most often it's not.
Most often the big draws, or hooks stem from one of two reasons.
1. Your swing path was too steep, or outside in.. Swinging across the ball with a shut face will create that low draw, excessive curve type of shot. Check your divots, do they point way left? Do you struggle to hit a high draw? Both of those questions will lead you towards the answer.
2. You hit the ground behind the ball! Yes, your low point is too far away from the target. What happens when that club hits the ground early, it deflects the face shut. That creates the illusion that we're hitting a bigger draw or hook than it should be. This is super common. First question I'd ask, can you take a forward divot? Can you place a small rope 4-6" behind your golf ball and hit shots?
There are a lot of reasons you could hook the ball, that's why I'd recommend finding a great coach or mentor that can help you diagnose your imperfections. But, these are really common and a great starting point.
Check out the video below for more detail on "hooking problems" thanks for stopping by friends. Post any comments or questions below..