One of the major things I hear from players that struggle with pain in their golf swing is "my back hurts" and typically it's the lower back for most. Golf being a sport that we're always moving one direction, we're prone to imbalances. So it's important that you take care of your body. Be proactive in your preparation. That starts with stretching, mobility work, strength training, balance, and trying to minimize any potential down time. Now with all that being said I certainly am not a doctor, or fitness professional. But I do want to speak to GOLF and how you can setup properly, and set yourself up for success.
I don't want to lose you here, this can be a little complicated. But I want to start with the idea that we should maintain a relatively "neutral" spine throughout the golf swing, especially in the lower region. The job of your core (all the muscles surround the spine and midsection) is to protect us, and keep us safe. Now if you're standing up, tall, squeeze your butt (or glutes to be politically correct) then squeeze your belly, not to the point you can't breathe. But a firm squeeze of the belly to suck your rib cage down. Your core is now "braced". That is the position we'd like to rotate around in the golf swing. The natural position of the spine.
It starts in the beginning with your setup. Setup with a neutral spine, and then rotate around that. The secondary benefit is that using your "core" creates stability through the system and should help you create better balance, and more control, long-term. We can talk more about that in future articles.
Thanks for taking a minute to read this article, if you have any questions check out the video above, or comment below. I want golfers to be safe, and play their best in 2020. Until next time my friends..