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5 Reasons FALL is the Best Time To Learn Golf

Writer's picture: Tim Connor GolfTim Connor Golf

Every year golfers start out in the Springtime with their eyes wide open and excited about the season in front of them. This is the the time of year when we get the most inquiries about golf lessons. People are excited, and for good reason! The truth though, is that if golf is right around the corner, preparations should have starter earlier. . . This is why Fall can be an amazing time to get your golf game on track. Here's 5 reasons to start golf lessons in the Fall. If you're ready to get started consider booking here at the TC Golf Academy.

  1. IT'S A CHANCE TO HIT THE RESET BUTTON - after a long season of golfing you might be suffering from burnout, or just not excited about golf. Getting your slate wiped clean, and starting fresh is a great way to make golf exciting again! There's nothing like a fresh start to keep your brain engaged.

  2. YOUR PLAYING PARTNERS ARE RESTING - Most people are taking it easy, winding down, and by being the person willing to start a new project, you have set yourself up for SUCCESS. Doing the difficult thing while nobody is watching, is hard, but will pay dividends later.

  3. HANDICAP DOESN'T MATTER - At least in Washington State, we stop counting for handicap November 15th. Being able to sit back and focus ONLY on the improvement process is a real blessing in disguise. Sometimes the anxiety associated with performance is the culprit holding you back from reaching your goals.

  4. TIME IS ON YOUR SIDE - By starting your work in the Fall, and being proactive, you've given yourself a bunch of time to work through, and make, SUSTAINABLE changes. I think a lot of lesson takers have experienced this before "Well I was hitting the ball so well in my lesson, and then it fell apart" <--- well typically this is stemming from the fact you haven't made your new "lesson" muscle memory yet, you don't own the movement. Coaching golf to me, is about making SUSTAINABLE changes, learning new things and taking them all the way to ownership.

  5. THE BEST TIME IS ALWAYS NOW - Procrastinators unite tomorrow? Ever heard that one? It's a funny old saying summarizing that procrastination won't help you get to where you're going. You can debate.. Spring, Fall, Winter, Summer.. When is the best time to start working towards your goals? Well if it's important to you, the best time is now.


Golf is a wonderful game, and the improvement process can start anytime. But the best time is always now. Start by finding a quality coach that cares about your goals, somebody who will listen and cater a program to your needs. At our Golf Academy that's of the utmost importance, because everybody is on their own journey and knowing your needs is really important. If we can help you on your golf journey, book your first visit or complimentary phone call HERE

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